Grow Naturally is a small business that started in the summer of 2023 owned and run by Matt.
I trained and have a degree in ecology and conservation and have, over the last 10+ years, worked in outdoor education, estate maintenance, as a grounds person and a gardener before becoming self employed so I can continue to deliver, improve and offer my experience to lots of others!
I have volunteered for 15 years, as a Scout leader, running my own Explorer Scout section teaching them life, map, walking and outdoor skills as well as having fun!
Grow Naturally has lots to offer to help people, individuals and myself to grow naturally.
- Guided walks focusing on the things seen while out and about.
- Outdoor education sessions using my experience both at a residential education centre and as a Scout leader.
- Gardening work such as grass cutting, hedge cutting, garden tidying.
If you are interested in learning more or talking about what I might be able to offer you, please get in touch with me.
Look at the gallery or the Facebook or Instagram page to see what sort of things Grow Naturally has previously been up to and the sort of things I can offer.